

I have a blog!

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The Power of Insecurity

The Power of Insecurity

So here’s the thing. I am insecure. This insecurity keeps me from putting things out in the world for fear of judgement and rejection. The thing is, putting things out there is what i need to do to succeed and NOT FEEL INSECURE.

Get it?

How does one get out of this conundrum? Seriously, somebody tell me.

I am currently taking part in a group coaching program with Mel Robbins call #bestdecadeever. I really hope that it is in fact the best because the last decade…not so good. Not terrible. There where definitely highlights but it really wasn’t one for the record books. I am hoping this one truly is the best. So the main goal of this program is to Dream Big and get the ball rolling towards making them a reality. I wish I could say I can share more and tell you how successful I am now. It’s week 2. Not quite there yet. But the fact that I am posting this at all (for my loyal readers. all 4 of you) means I am facing the beast of insecurity and putting something out there. I know the something isn’t huge and significant but it’s something. Baby steps.

As you were.

How cute is my dog?

How cute is my dog?

Hello it's me

Hello it's me